Over the years of growing my facial hair I have learned many life lessons from The Beard.

Patience:    This is an obvious one. I have learned to wait for good things to come about in their own time. Some things just can't be rushed.

Tolerance:    Sometimes The Beard gets itchy or very unkempt looking. It can be like a nagging neighbor, pushy boss or that guy that cut you off on the way to work. You have to learn to see things from another point of view.My beard just needs conditioning or a good brushing, its trying to communicate. That naggy neighbor thinks their being helpful, Your boss just wants the company to do good, and that guy driving crazy... Maybe he's heading to the hospital for the birth of a child. 

Perseverance:   Following through, despite setbacks will reward you greatly in life. 

The Joy of making new friends:  Everywhere I go people ask about The Beard. This leads to conversations with people I never would have had a chance to learn about. New friends are awesome! whether the friendship lasts a lifetime or just while you're in the checkout line.

these are just a few of the Lessons from The Beard.

Keep on following for more!

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